You are currently browsing the daily archive for May 30, 2007.


Originally uploaded by jen_rab

A few friends and family have emailed me in the past to ask if I’ll ever share belly photos. Well, yeah I will, but very unwillingly. haha.
Mom and dad let us borrow their camera, but I’ve been dragging my feet with sharing pictures until today. So, here it is, a 23 week belly shot in my pjs for the whole world to see.

Since I’ll be on deadline later in the week, I thought I’d post a few extra times to make up for it. And also, I’m doing a little housekeeping on the blog today.
If you take a look to the left, under my weekly ticker thing, you’ll find my Flickr feed. wheee! If you hadn’t already guessed, I do my best to keep private photos, private or for friends/family only. If I ever post a pic of you and you don’t want it posted on here, let me know. If we are blood-related, you don’t get that option, FYI. 🙂

There are tons of photos that are for friends or family only that I won’t post publicly. And if I do post publicly, I’ll likely post it for a short time.
If you’re in that friend or family category (or would like to be) more than likely, I sent you an invite in the past. If you don’t have a password or whatever, just email me and I’ll be happy to re-invite you.

ugh. After a glorious 4-day weekend, we’re back to the grind.

For the most part, we had a very wonderful memorial day weekend. It was a relaxing, well-spent weekend with lots of friends, family (Jeff’s cousin) and just the two of us. It was a nice mix of extremes, I must say.

We attended wedding #1 where we dined on Chateaubriand, filet mignon kabobs and delicious gelato, among other mouth-watering eats. I wore my maternity dress and surprisingly, felt quite cute among all the Versace-wearing skinny minnies. I met a handful of Jeff’s coworkers, all of whom were as nice as he described. The bride was as gorgeous as could be (she’s the great gal who handpicked Jeff to work under her.) It was quite the Big Fat Greek Wedding I was expecting: gorgeous and elaborate.

We went to a friend (of a friend’s) BBQ on Saturday where I sat and watched everyone else get tipsy. I sipped on a few really delicious non-alcoholic beers to bide my time. Buckler’s beer is probably the best non-alcoholic beer, ever. O’Doul’s? Yeah, that’s crap. Non-alcoholic beer is not as fun as the real stuff, but it’ll do for some social sipping.

Jeff put my beers in the cooler with all the other partygoers’ beers. It was quite funny to watch my friends cringe in disgust when they accidentally picked the Bucklers. haha.

We spent the day in Little Italy and Soho on Sunday, as did a trillion other people. It was fun walking around, having lunch outside and people watching. However, the physical exhaustion, the weekend train “schedule” (or lack thereof) + usual bitchiness got the best of me by the end.

Monday, perhaps, was the best day of the whole weekend. Jeff and I spent the afternoon running errands together, hitting Trader Joe’s, Barnes and Noble and then starting to expunge crap to make room for baby. Thanks to various friends, family and a few Old Navy clearance finds, baby already has his own growing wardrobe. For now, I’ve been hanging his little outfits in a corner of Jeff’s armoire.
“How is it that the kid’s not even here yet, and I’m already losing closet space to him?” Jeff wondered. haha.

Speaking of closets, we decided, instead of the office in the back, baby will be in the closet. It’s not a traditional closet in the sense that it’s a tiny room where you close the door–it’s a railroad walk-through closet. Logistically, it’ll be the best location for the babe. It’s also helpful that his bassinet/crib has wheels. Those Norwegian designers rock for making city life a little easier.

As we went to bed on Monday night after an almost perfect weekend, Jeff said his sweet nothings to my belly and started to fall asleep with his hand on my belly. After his long wait, baby finally kicked hard enough to let Jeff know he was there. I jumped and yelped a little because baby’s kick was so jolting. Although it was a cute moment, poor Jeff almost had a heart attack after my little spasm. Jeff finally feeling the baby kick was a great endnote for the weekend.

Though he might beg to differ, I’m savoring the Jeff and Jen moments as much as possible. It’s hard to believe that after this summer and 11 years of it always being just us, we’ll have a little dude on our hands.

Happy Bday, John!

Originally uploaded by jen_rab

Unbeknownst to those outside of my immediate family, I’ve had about 25 years of “practice” being a psuedo-mom.
That’s right, 25 years.

How, one might ask? Well, I have a kid brother, John.

They say it takes a village to raise a child, and truly it did. If you know my brother, you’d know my role as big sister went beyond the call of duty. haha.
He was my eternal shadow, my punching bag, my fashion plate, my makeup model, my best buddy, my honor attendant and will always be my little brother.

Today, unbelieveably, he turns 25. I still vividly remember changing his smelly diapers, walking his hyperactive butt to school every day and of course, constantly cleaning his mess (that was just last month!)

Though several years separate us, many miles distance us, we–I– still keep tabs on him. Every now and then, he still comes to me for advice, to mediate the parental discussions via cellphone and even to check in to make sure I’m still there…

Along with my parents, I take pride in the person he’s become and friend he’s been to me.

Happy Birthday, little brother.

Ma'am put down the camera

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