You are currently browsing the daily archive for May 18, 2007.

As I hit 22 weeks, and since I have a bunch of random thoughts swirling around and since it’s Friday, I thought I’d do a list. TGIF!

22. My 5th prenatal appointment is today. We’ll be discussing my blood test results and baby’s ultrasound.
21. Because we didn’t get to see baby’s profile, I expect the dr. to ok another ultrasound.
20. We hope to do a 3d or a 4d ultrasound sometime in June.
19. Our family is beyond generous; specifically, my cousin comes to mind. For mother’s day, Kris sent me a Mamamio kit and a book called, Zodiac Baby. (Love ya, Kris!!) 412zeqwa5gl_ss500_.jpgMy sister in law and mother in law both got me very sweet cards too. (Thank you!)
18. Baby will either be a Virgo or a Libra. I’m (not so) secretly hoping for a healthy Virgo.
17. My parents celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary on Monday!
16. My late grandma would’ve been 84 on Monday.
15. We decided on baby’s name.
14. We actually chose names even before we got married.
13. We’re going to try and keep his name a surprise.
12. But…that might be a long shot since immediate family already knows.

*looking at you, mom!*

11. As expected, my mom loves to interject her opinion.
10. Dad, on the otherhand, gave us his nod of approval.
“He’ll be your son. We’ll love him no matter what.”
9. Baby’s names (both first and middle ) are all family names.
8. I’ve been researching baby products since February. We’re finally going to order furniture soon.
babybargains1.jpg7. Tipped off by my friend/Jeff’s cousin and a baby board, my bible has been Baby Bargains.
6. Because of our location and living restraints, the concept of a bargain is often an oxymoron.
5. I’ll still cut coupons and use our discount as much as possible.
4. Yesterday baby was kicking the same spot on (what felt like) my cervix, I was so worried, called the dr. for the first time to ask a question.
3. We’re planning a trip to California in July. I’ll be almost 7 months pregnant. Trip to CA is off.  We decided the time isn’t right 😦

2. I have to find a dress(es) to wear to 3 weddings this summer. Preferably not muumuus.
1. I’m so proud of Jeff and his recent professional accomplishments. Regardless of where we live, there’s much to be said about his work ethic, drive and ambition.

I’ve always known you were bound for greatness! Congrats, you’re on your way. You deserve it.

It is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.
–Henry Ward Beecher

It’s all starting to come together 🙂

Ma'am put down the camera

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