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I’m feeling a little under the weather and very worn down today, so I turned to YouTube and Google Video for few pick me ups. In addition, I thought I’d participate in Thursday 13, another meme. Here’s my Thursday 13– videos that make me laugh!

Thirteen Things Enjoy!13. Ninja— This one reminds me of my younger brother.

12. First Dance– Because your first dance as a wedding couple should be memorable.

11. MXC (Most Extreme Elimination)- We can’t get enough of this show.

10. Oh, those Chicken McNuggets. WHAT?

9. Ben hearts Jimmy

8. The infamous Star Wars kid

7. Because kids are always up to something!

6. Laughing babies are the best

5. Another funny baby

4. This is the funniest baby on YouTube

3. Dads and diapers- Jeff’s been unfazed (so far) with all the poopy diapers, so these dads really made me lose it!

2. You’ve probably seen this kid since he’s been on commercials, but I LOVE HIM. I noticed a stack of destroyed magazines (thank you, Jack) so I thought of this baby!

1. My sweet baby boy, he makes me laugh every day. Here, I’m trying to be incognito to catch him professing his love to the lamp and showing off his latest trick, gnawing on his paci and pulling it out on his own.

Ma'am put down the camera

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