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I haven’t done Wordless Wednesday in awhile, so I thought this week would be a great opportunity to share an image that my friend passed along to me.

on track

on track

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What's THAAAT?

and there’s more:


and fuzzy pink slippers


This, folks, is what our life has become.

When we were at Starbucks over the weekend, a young dad sat near us with his own tot on his lap. Jeff and the other dad got to talking. Like other conversations involving parents we meet on the street, the first question is always, “how old.”
After answering with the Jack’s age, we usually get the big eyes and disbelief: “8 months! Wow, my kid is much older and he’s half the size!”
Every time, we answer something to the effect of, “yeah, he’s a tank. or yeah, he’s a big boy.”

We continued and made conversation with that dad. The dad went on and commented on Jack’s hair. “Wow, he has a full head of hair, too.”
Jeff lifted his cap revealing his blonde ‘do and peered over to me and my giant bouffant and says, “Well he certainly doesn’t get it from me.”

True. Jack does have a lot of hair, but not only that, he has a lot of crazy hair, just like me. We’re observing cultural tradition (my side) so, we’re not cutting it until he’s a year old, if not longer. All the little boys have long hair again these days anyway. Jack should fit right in 😉

At the rate it’s growing, his hair will rival the locks of Celine’s kid. or a much cuter version of the Flock of Seagulls.

1 day oldOne pissed off pumpkin3months 011Jeff'sbday 002bangs and a widow's peakJackson (13)comboverCrazy hair!DSC_0125big boy



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Jack in the box

In honor of our upcoming trip to Disneyland, but more importantly, to visit Kris in CA, here’s a bit of Disney in NJ– Flat Stanley and a conked out Jackson, too!

Disney in NJ?

What do you get when you add an impromptu trip to VB + 80-degree weather?

A prelude to summer.

A Prelude to Summer

See more Wordless Wednesday here.

Perfect Storm boat

There’s more Wordless Wednesday here.

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or how about this one-handed distracted deal:

Whatever works!


Check out more WW here.

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Ma'am put down the camera

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