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In honor of our upcoming trip to Disneyland, but more importantly, to visit Kris in CA, here’s a bit of Disney in NJ– Flat Stanley and a conked out Jackson, too!

Disney in NJ?

I just got back from a trip to Union Square for lunch. The sun is beaming brightly and tons of people are out and about. My Google Desktop weather thing finally reads 70 degrees–the first time this Spring!

It’s official: I have spring fever.

Last weekend was sunny, but not quite warm enough to fully enjoy, in my opinion. The boys and I did lunch at Helmer’s and then headed to my favorite park for some fun at the playground. Since it was still a bit brisk, our stay at the park didn’t last long.

But with the sun shining as bright as it is today, it makes me so anxious to add park visits to our already busy weekend routine!
Just wake me when we get thereswinging at the parkNot a fan of sharing the swingUh, mom?  I can do it myself
at the parkJ & J at the park

Flat Stanley at the Flat Iron Building

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Ma'am put down the camera

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