You are currently browsing the daily archive for January 29, 2007.

My first ultrasound was another anxiety-ridden event. Jeff came with me so it wasn’t nearly as nerve-wracking as I imagined it would be.

My downfall is that I read too much, therefore adding unnecessary paranoia from these scenarios and foreign twinges in my abdomen. I guess when it takes so long to achieve something, it’s so easy to remain negative.

I was instructed to drink 32 oz. of water before my 9:15 am appointment. without peeing. I believe the water fills the bladder so that it doesn’t obstruct the view of the uterus. I drank more than what I was instructed and I felt kind of dizzy.

When it was finally my time for the appointment, my heart raced, knowing that this could be an amazing few minutes or a potentially shattering appointment. The tech told me she had to “examine” the pelvic area. With my head glued to the screen, Jeff’s hand gripping my left hand, the Tech manuevered the instrument and hoovered it below my belly button.

Everything looked beyond obscure and strange. I was pretty skeptical that the Tech would even be able to see anything this early. I mean, wouldn’t the baby be teeny at this point?

Finally, the Tech enlarged the screen, zeroing in on my uterus. In a very monotonous voice, she told us that she would point the baby out to us as soon as she saw something.

What seemed like days, my heart pounded faster and louder, Jeff’s grip seemed heavier, just waiting for the Tech to locate the baby.

And there it was! Before she said anything to indicate the baby’s location, time started to elapse a little slower as we stood there witnessing our baby’s little heartbeat.

*flutter* *flutter*

I was overcome with gratitude and even more hope after seeing the baby’s heartbeat. The tears flowed uncontrollably for a few minutes until I turned to Jeff and smiled. Like he does at the most impeccable moments in life, he wiped my tears, smiled back and reinforced that everything is going to be ok. Even without words, he knows exactly how to smooth any situation.

The Tech told us that the baby measured about 6 weeks and 3 days and that his/her heartbeat was fluttering away at 114bpm. She said that the baby was about the size of a grain of rice– perfect analogy! Afraid that it sounded a little low, the Tech assured us that 114 was “very” good for this early on.


As a souvenir, we got a copy of our first ultrasound. So exciting.
I have it tucked away in my planner and have since made copies for our parents. I plan on including it in a slideshow for them when we officially announce.

Ma'am put down the camera

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